Wednesday, November 8, 2023


Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu
Gurur Devo Maheshwarah
Guruh saksat Parabrahma
Tasmai Shri Guruve Namah 🙏

குரு பிரம்மா குரு விஷ்ணு
குரு தேவோ மகேஸ்வர;
குரு சாஷாத் பரப்பிரம்மா
தஸ்மை ஸ்ரீகுருவே நமஹ 🙏
The Guru is in and out.
Guru split :  Gu,  Ru.
Gu : Darkness, ignorance.
Ru : Remover of ignorance.
Who is Guru?

The God is a Supreme Magician.
Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi was once asked, 'how does one find Guru?'.
God graces the devotee to find the Godliness in his Self. The God is out and He pushes from outside and facilitates the evolution of Godliness in a devotee. And The God, from inside pulls the devotee and make him see, self-correct when he indulges in wrong doings and REALIZE HIS SELF - the Godliness.

Brahma : creator of SELF - knowledge, making us the Godliness in our self.
Saksat: Exactly that : God Himself 
Parabrahma: the Supreme Consciousness, Godly SELF.

No difference between a preceptor, the Guru - the Teacher and the one who learns, is taught AND the GOD Himself.

The Guru handholds the disciple till the latter evolves, blossoms into Godliness Himself. All the God, the GuRu, the Remover of ignorance does is push an earnest seeker from outside and pulls him from inside towards Godliness, the Godward journey.

Tasmai Shri Guruve Namah: Salutation to You Guru.

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