மஹாஸ்வாமிகளின் மதுர மொழிகள்.
There is a confusion.
Should we do service to God first or to humanity.
Many fancy in quoting திருமூலரின் popular following stanza from the Sage's திருமந்திரம் :
நடமாடக் கோயில் நம்பர்க்கு ஒன்று ஈயில், படமாடக் கோயில் பகவற்கு அது ஆமே.
Whereas, Mahaswami quotes yet another stanza from திருமந்திரம் :
யாவர்க்குமாம் இறைவற்கு
ஒரு பச்சிலை;
யாவர்க்குமாம் பசுவுக்கு
ஒரு வாயுறை;
யாவர்க்குமாம் உண்ணும்போது
ஒரு கைப்பிடி;
யாவர்க்குமாம் பிறர்க்கு
இன்னுரை தானே.
(திருமந்திரம் 252)
Where the former is interpreted in convenience to mean, 'First do service to man.'
The latter as Mahaswami says:
ஆக ஈச்வர ஸேவையில்லாமல் மநுஷ்ய ஸேவை என்பதில்லை.
See the order in யாவருக்குமாம்... Stanza.
The first is to serve God.
Every Muslim begins the day with Namaz.
Every Christian begins with reading from Bible.
But there is an army here working 24x7 to misguide every Hindu.
Those days there was no such concept to keep away divine activities that people concentrated only on economic activities. Population was less. The people were contended. There was self sufficiency. No cheap entertainment to lure away people to get distracted from their duties either pertaining to family or divine services.
Rather than Kings engaged them in constructing massive temples, though the Kings paid wages monetarily or in kind, people wholeheartedly took active involvement voluntarily.
With the onset of development, in the name of secularism, we keep away divine part. This has become the malaise and thus leading to robbing peace and harmony.
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
लोकः समस्ताः सुखिनो भवन्तु)
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