Thursday, October 10, 2024

Saraswati Devi in a cave

If we all think just only Ayodhya was under siege, we are all mistaken. 

Maha Periyavar refers to an incident in Madhya Pradesh. The place is Dhar city. It was ruled by King Bhoja, nearly about thousand years ago. He was great supporter of Indian Arts, literature, poetry, Sanskrit, architecture etc. People came to learn that a few people saw some Sanskrit letters inside a cave there in a Mosque. Only after independence, the Epigraphical department could manage to obtain permission from the custodians and see inside the cave. There was a chakra inscripted within which lot of slokas in Sanskrit was written. 

The same was Saraswathy Devi Temple during King Bhoja's era. Maha Periyava says it was proof that those days Kings preserved and worshipped Sastras, Vedas. 

Saraswathi Namastubhyam sarva devi namo namaha
shaantarupe shashidhare sarvayoge namo namaha

सरस्वति (Sarasvatii) - Devi Saraswati
नमस्तुभ्यं (Namastubhyam) - Salutations to You
सर्वदेवि (Sarva-Devi) - All Goddesses
नमो (Namo) - Salutations
नमः (Namah) - Salutations
शान्तरूपे (Shaanta-Ruupe) - Who has a Tranquil Form
शशिधरे (Shashi-Dhare) - Who Wears the Moon
सर्वयोगे (Sarva-Yoge) - Who is the Embodiment of All Yogas
नमो (Namo) - Salutations
नमः (Namah) - Salutations

6.1: Salutations to Devi Saraswati, Who is the Embodiment of All Goddesses; Salutations, Salutations to Her.

6.2: Who has a Tranquil Form, Who Wears the Moon and Who is the Embodiment of All Yogas; Salutations, Salutations to Her.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024


"When a child, my nurse taught me to repeat Ramanama whenever I felt afraid or miserable, and it has been second nature with me with growing knowledge and advancing years. I may even say that the Word is in my heart, if not actually on my lips, all the twenty-four hours. It has been by saviour ...."

- Mahatma 

Naga Swami on Ram Nama....vol 4, தெய்வத்தின் குரல்:

ராம ஸ்மரணம் மாத்திரம் ஒருவனுக்கு ஸதாவும் இருந்து விட்டால் அவனுக்கு இந்த பாபமயமான, துக்கமயமான பூலோகமே பரமபதமாகத் தானிருக்கும் என்று ரூபித்துக் காட்டக்கூடிய யோக்யதை இவர்களுக்கு இருந்தது. ஆகையால், ‘இந்த உண்மையை உலகத்துக்குக் காட்டுவதற்காக இவர்கள் இங்கேயே சிரஞ்ஜீவியாக இருந்து கொண்டிருக்கட்டும்’ என்று நினைத்தார். அதனால் அவர்களை பூலோகத்திலேயே இருக்கும்படியாக ஆக்ஞாபித்து விட்டுப் போய்விட்டார்.

Who was it that left them to live eternally?
Ans: Lord Ram
Whom He left to live eternally?
Ans: The Ever powerful Lord Hanuman.

All those who chant Ram Nam are blessed Souls.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Gone Machine

This may have become museum piece.
But if your fingers effortlessly do a நர்த்தன் in your modern key board, we owe a lot to our training in these years ago - lower, higher grades.

My memory goes back.When a bunch of cousins, we approached the Master at Lakshmi Institute, behind age old Lakshmi Theatre at Devakottai. The Master said, "sorry, all slots are full. I can't help."One ingenious cousin, not a one to give up easily shot back, "Is your 4 a.m slot also full?".

Master stared and hesitantly said, " we open by 6 am only."My go-getter cousin said, "Master you give the key, we will practice from 4.30 to 5.30 or six and we will leave after 6 am slot students walk in."

Master handed over one key out of his two sets.
For about two months we practice till our college opened after summer vacation".The adjoining one is 100 years old Narayana Vilas restaurant. There too, after type practice, in the restaurant too we were the first to walk in and enjoy the steamy ghee Pongal sprinkled with roasted cashews. Can Pongal go alone? Yeah, it went with its accomplice, the piping hot methu vada. 

The days we can't go back but live in happy memory only.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


We don't know.
God keeps sprinkling surprises here and there quite often.
It was a busy working Saturday.
A cousin walked in casually, for it was his holiday.
 In the midst of chat, he narrated two of his close experiences.

The first,
His cousin's friend has a house in Kodaikanal. That friend's mother is a devotee of Bhagavan Sai Baba of Puttabarti. Swamiji used to Visit His Asram in Kodai. The friend is a jolly good fellow. In his house, his mother had decorated their hall with a big picture of Baba. Whenever his mother was away from hilly town, he gathers his local friends and is used to have a drink session. Every time he picks up a glass, he extends the same towards Baba's portrait and says, "cheers".

One weekend the mother dropped in. She took him to have darsn of Baba at Kodai Asram. It's a practice in Baba's Asram. Before Bhagavan arrives in the hall to give darsn, the male devotees are seated on one side and the women on the other side. Our friend was in the front row. When Bhagavan enters the hall, He walks slowly and collects from a few the prayer chits, says a few words to devotees randomly. Bhagavan suddenly stood before our friend and said loudly, "cheers". The friend was stunned.

That very day, the friend gave up drinking once and for all.

The story 2.

Another common senior cousin took this cousin suddenly on one day to Kanchi Math. The senior is very pious person.The senior's forefathers had done திருப்பணி in a very famous temple near Kumbakonam. When the cousins arrived in the Math, there was heavy crowd. They were wondering would they be able to have darsn of Maha Swami that day. They made up their mind to return and come back some other day. Suddenly an attender to Maha Swami came out of the Math and said to the cousins, "Maha Swami instructed me to take you inside."

எல்லாம் அவன் செயல்.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

What's Hindu's Gospel?.... ஹிந்துவின் samaya நூல் யாது?

தலைப்பை தீர ஆராயும் முன், can we ask a question, ஹிந்துக்களுக்கு இஸ்லாம், Christianity போன்ற மத விலாசம் ஏதேனும் இருந்ததா?

There's every reason to be skeptic.  Do the young ones know the பாரம்பரியா? That ours is not a religion like Christianity. In the sense that there was a founder of it, viz., the Christ Jesus.  And also unlike you can identify the time period when Other Religions got established, we can't trace the timeline when the Hindu began.  Further, no one did baptize it with the name Hindu. It's trick that that the colonial Rulers,  in their attempt to divide and rule and isolate against others, named us as Hindus   That's how the name still continues.

The base one could premise our பாரம்பரிய at the maximum is the Veda.  Vedas, were they written scripts?  Do they have a letter form? No.  They are just the powerful sabdas, sounds, which the Rishis of the yore cognized while in deep tapas.

The Rishis distilled those holy sounds and passed down their lineage. Later we got Maha Puranas, epics like Ramayan and Maha Bharat by Sages Valmiki and Vysa and Upanishads etc.

Coming back to the topic,
The brothers/sisters from other religions can cite what their holy gospel book is.  Like Bible, Quran etc.  When they ask us, we blink.  For, as said earlier, Vedas were not in identifiable scripts.

We read only the distilled versions in Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita and other slokas, verses written much later after Timeless Veda happened on this prabancha, the world as we see today.

If we, the Tamil knowing populace, want to zero in on, the best treatise is Maha Swami's தெய்வத்தின் குரல் in 7 volumes.  Any one deeply interested in to know our தாத்பரியம், in one treatise where you get it's, all are in தெய்வத்தின் குரல் volumes.

Years ago, when I went on Audit tour I stayed in a Coimbatore Hotel.  In the Rooms there were two books, one the Bible and the other Swami Chidhbhavananda's commentary on Srimad Bhagavad Gita.

I am aware the brethern from other Sects are so religious in their prayers, reading of their Holy scripts. 

The irony is in ours, it hasn't become quotidian to read our holy verses.

Listen to:
*தமிழக ஊடகங்களால் திட்டமிட்டு மறைக்கப்பட்ட ரஜினியின் உரை.*

Monday, September 9, 2024

கைலாயம்... நாம ஸ்வரூபத்தில்

சிவ சிவ என்கிலர் தீவினையாளர்
சிவ சிவ என்றிடத் தீவினை மாளும்
சிவ சிவ என்றிடத் தேவரும் ஆவார்
சிவ சிவ என்னச் சிவகதி தானே! (பாடல்-2716) 

- திருமந்திரம்

இறை படைத்த
ஒன்று போதும்.
யாவும் இன்றியே.

நேரிடை தரிசனம்
ஏன் இல்லை .
சிவனே தான்.
கண் இமை
ஒரு க்ஷனம்
பெரும் பயிற்சி

சிவாய நம.

மஹா ஸ்வாமிகளின்:

சிவ நாம மஹிமை;
சிவன் தரும் மஹிமை.

தெய்வத்தின் குரல் 
Vol 3 

Thursday, August 22, 2024

A call Meditate

"-ve Energies cannot touch you if you are in a state of meditativeness."

-  Sadhguru 

Why be Meditative?
The Sun doesn't ask, 
"Why should I rise?".
Should every Meditator
Go all out
And invite 
More to do that -
Stress was a rarity
Those days.
There is
Ever evolving 
In all arenas.
But what vies
With all advancement 
Is the 
Frayed nerves.
The result is 
Stress all around.
What is the 
Stress buster?
What else,
It is the
Timeless dhyan.
Welcome to do it.
There's an urgent 
Need for it
More than ever.
You can't schedule it
For a later time,
Evening of your life.
For, all the Moment 
Is Now
Right Now.

"The moment you realize you are not present, you are present. Whenever you are able to observe your mind, you are no longer trapped in it. Another factor has come in, something that is not of the mind: the WITNESSING PRESENCE."

- Eckhart Tolle.