Wednesday, April 27, 2022

வேதோ (அ) கிலோ தர்ம மூலம்.

वेदोऽखिलो धर्ममूलं

  வேதோ (அ) கிலோ தர்ம மூலம். 
The worst drawback of us,  that's most of the Hindus,  is we never turn to our Vedas unlike others, invariably everyone of them, turning to their Gospels so religiously. 

This very birth is to create no more pains - affliction for one's own self and to others - and toe the path to liberation.

Are we to remain recluse?
In trance always?
Will we be, in such state, useless to the society we live in? 

Hear from Maha Periyava :

ஆத்ம க்ஷேமத்துக்காக நாம் என்ன செய்ய வேண்டுமோ அதிலேயே லோகக்ஷேமத்தையும் பயனாக ஏற்படுத்தித் தருவது வேதம். இந்த இரண்டும் ஏற்பட எது உதவுகிறதோ அது தான் 'தர்மம்' என்பது.  அந்த தர்ம மூலமாக வேதம் இருப்பது வாஸ்தவம் தான். வேதோ (அ) கிலோ தர்ம மூலம்.

The beauty of Veda. 
What you do for the good of your Self, 
The Veda makes it inclusive of 
What's good for the world 
As well. 
What makes both -
The good of Self and the world -
Possible is the  தர்ம சாஸ்திரா -
 The way of righteous living. 

See the resonance of it in Dalai Lama's quote :

"If every 8 year old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation. - "

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Power of Epics - पुराना - Purana

Power of Epics - पुराना - Purana

Purana not just a popular word to depict anything ancient, historic.

It's story way to get across succinct Veda to all strata regardless of literacy levels. 

People - be they highly intellectual or even not so - are eager and curious to read and listen to stories. 

How do we drive home the philosophy, righteous way of living deeply enshrined in Vedas, in their very form - abstruse terms?

Epics,  the Purana in their story style come handy and easily reach people's hearts. This, Purana, explains the reason that people adhere to dharmic way and dread anything not righteous. 

Anything not preserved and treasured drift and evaporate into insignificance. Purana is no exception. 

Let's treasure Puranas
Benefit from them
And help everyone harvest the riches of Puranas, the Epics. 

Wrapping up with Kambar's 

நன்மையும் செல்வமும் நாளும் நல்குமே
தின்மையும் பாவமும் சிதைந்து தேயுமே
சென்மமும் மரணமும் இன்றித் தீருமே
இம்மையே இராமவென் றிரண்டெழுத்தினால்

On this eve of Sri Rama Navami.

Sunday, April 3, 2022

திரு ஆனைக்கா...Tiruvanaikka


The ancient Jambukeshwarar Temple. 

How old is it? 

About 1300 + years. 

Where is the reference. 

In Appar's தேவாரம். 

Kshetra's epic:

The Lord Eshwar found a comfortable place under a Java plum நாவல் பழ tree. 

Hence the Eshwar's name: Jambukeshwara 

Some etymology :

जमबू in Sanskrit. 

Java, Jamun all European languages spring from the deep roots of the Mother language Sanskrit. 

When some, who implant hate, aversion here,  call it - Sanskrit - a dead language,  don't know whether to laugh or cry. 

Back to kshetra Purana,  the epic:

See,  the tree is even older than the temple. 

A devout spider spun a web over the Lord so as to save Him from scorching heat and kept worshipping the Lord all the time. 

There was a devout elephant also.

The elephant poured water piercing the spider web to bathe the Lord.  Annoyed,  the spider got into the long trunk of the pachyderm and tormented him/her - pardon me for not knowing the elephant's Gender. Thank God!.
The statute, General Clauses Act,  comes in handy.  Under it,  he includes she and vice versa. 

Well unable to bear the pain,  the elephant dashed violently on a wall and brought to an end to both. 

This spider later took a rebirth as  King Kochengatch Chola.  This King was the one who built the monumental Master Temple which we see today near River Cauvery. 

States - political class - may fight on rights over water,  and fan fanaticism. But the River Mata Cauvery still springs in the very Sanctum of the Lord Jambukeshwara. 

Apt to wrap this up with Dr.  V's quote :

"When I go to the meditation room at the hospital every morning,  I ask God that I be a better tool,  a receptacle for the divine force. We can all serve humanity in our normal professional lives by being more generous and less selfish in what we do."

May Almighty bless us.