Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Om Sri Gurubhyo Namah

Of all the Saints, 
My gravitation
Was instant 
The moment I
Put my foot 
For the first ever 
Time in 
About thirty years ago. 

I just stood 
There in the
Entry precinct 
To the shrine of
Matru Bhudeshwar
In front of
About 3 feet
Cloth screen placed
- you can see it even
Today -
On the right side 
Before you enter the 
Inner temple housing 
The Sanctum
Of Matru Bhudeshwar. 

What's so special about 
The screen?

It carries the 
Very narrative of 
Bhagavan's 'aatma vichara'-
Best known to 
All his devotees as
His,  'Who am I? '.

That time 
My comprehension was 
Not up-to the mark. 

Yet I read the narrative from 
The very first to the last. 
Despite this constraint, 
I could feel some sinking in. 
Ever since that, 
Must say, 
Found the Gnana Guru,
Whom Paul Brandon 
Was directed to by
None other than 
The Kanchi Maha Swami.

Nonetheless my going back to 
Is Bhagavan time and again, 
My Bible is
Maha Swami's -
தெய்வத்தின் குரல் -
Now I am in Volume 3.

Om Sri Gurubhyo Namah

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